
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Is it WINTER again?

Two weeks ago came out the flip-flops and open toe sandals.  It was time to put away the winter boots, coats and gloves.

Last week we did some major work on our landscaping.  I even threw down some new seeds to thicken the lawn and fill the holes from weeding and hired a fellow to irrigate the lawn.  Summer was coming after all.

In fact, it was so warm that I put my garden plants outdoors to get some fresh air.  Now the poor things are freezing at the family room window.  I've had to put the fireplace on to warm up the room for them.

This morning, it was winter all over.  It just doesn't make sense!  What's going on with our climate? There's so much talk about protecting our environment, but what are we really doing about it? Is the damage already done?  Last night's headline news states we'll be paying more at the grocery store due to the damage already done to our local crops from this bizarre spring weather.

How many people respected Earth Hour on Sunday night?

I remember my daughters and I carving out our Peach Cookies under candlelight 3 weekends ago.  It was Catholic Easter and the power went out for a few hours in the evening.  Can our power grid handle everyone cooking dinner in their homes at the same time?  It's time we do something about this!

Does it make sense that my iris plants were blooming last week and are in the process of getting snowed upon this morning?

What a wake-up call we woke up to this morning!  Check out the yard waste bags sitting at the curb for pick-up. (Photo on the left).   This neighbourhood was preparing for summer.  Looks like it's going to be a while longer before that happens. 

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