
Friday, June 29, 2012

Eggplant Sauce and Buckwheat Stuffing

Eggplant Suce & Buckwheat Stuffing 

Eggplant or Aubergine?  Eggplant is English and Aubergine is French, yet the British call it an Aubergine.  I guess the word eggplant is simply North American.

This recipe was inspired by Becca at Amuse Your Bouche.  I loved the recipe she posted the other day mainly because it reminded me of something my mother-in-law used to make which gave me the inspiration that allowed me to try and recreate a family recipe.

I had just read her Becca's post and knew there were 4 eggplants sitting in the refrigerator.  My husband hates eggplants and since he was out of town, I took full advantage and made the rest of the family a memorable meal.  The house smelled amazing and everyone loved the final dish.

Thank you,  Miss Messy, for the versatile blogger nomination.  See here for details on previous nominations.  

4 Eggplants
1 Onion
2 Spring Onions
1 Large Tomato
Parmesan Cheese
Salt & Pepper
Paprika (to taste)


  1. This is another great way to cook eggplant (Or I should say Aubergine). I never thought of adding buckwheat, but I see why not? Sounds delish! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Yum, I love Aubergine, I've got a great sauce recipe for them that is perfect of risottos, but this looks fab. I've never thought of stuffing a pepper with that and grains. Great post!

  3. Ooh so glad I inspired you! :) This looks yummy, and I have some peppers in the fridge - maybe I'll try your version next :)

  4. Yummy!!!! Hey check out my page I made ya something :)

  5. hi ellen, very nice to know you! i love eggplants a lot and usually do it the chinese way of stir frying and also in ratatouille. This is lovely baking it with cheese and how appealing it looks. Oh over here, we call them eggplants too and also the name 'brinjal'.

  6. Ellen, I love eggplant, but must admit, never done anything like this with it before, can't wait to try it!!! PS hope you don't mind, I added you to my fav blogs over at The Saucy Gourmet!

  7. wow this looks really yummy! i love aubergine! I'm British so thats what i call it, but i find myself more and more picking up american words recently!

  8. Ellen, This looks incredible!! I love eggplant and I’m sure it was fantastic with the buckwheat stuffing! Thanks for your comment about my neck…I have a chronic problem because of an old whiplash. I never know how to treat it….heat or cold! Have a great weekend!!

  9. This looks wonderful... We love eggplant... or at least I do and my husband tolerates it when I make it...Have never used buckwheat but am going to give this a try.
