
Monday, July 9, 2012

Zucchini Fritters (Grated) and One Lovely Blog Award

Grated Zucchini Fritters
These zucchini fritters may not look so pretty, but they were so delicious.  I used Vefa Alexiadou's Zucchini Yeast Fritters recipe from Sunny Mediterranean Cuisine.  Grating the zucchini makes these fritters so much tastier than yesterday's sliced zucchinis.  The only downfall to this recipe is initially knowing how much to spoon onto the frying pan, especially since I used 1 cup of flour instead of the required 1 lb (2 cups).  Yes.  Even I make silly yet tasty errors.  ~It's all a matter of getting better with practice. 

Oh, and that dip?  Yeah, it was awesome!  In fact, it was sinfully delicious!  Do you want the recipe?  I guess you'll have to come back tomorrow...

Also, I just wanted to thank Laurie at LauriesCravings and Allie at Adventures of a Middle Sister for nominating me with the Awesome Blogger Award.  For more details, see here.

In addition, Miss Messy at Mess Makes Food has done it again.  She has nominated me with the One Lovely Blog Award.  Thank you Mess,  I'm so pleased that you're enjoying my blog, as I do yours.

The rules of this are as follows.

1. Link back to whoever  nominated you.
2. Write 11 random facts about yourself.
3. Nominate 11 bloggers.

11 Random Facts:
1. I have a Maltese name Mia, but we tend to call her Mimi.
2. I love ice-cream.
3. I'm a coffee addict.
4. I just did a 2-day green apple liver cleanse and feel great.
5. Think I've committed carboside with all the sweets I made in June.
6. I could chew gum all day (no spitting out, just add more pieces).
7. I would love to move.
8. I would love to live on the beach front.
9. I love shopping just as much as I love to cook.
10. I can speak a few different languages.
11.  I lived in Europe for a year and loved it.


1 cup lukewarm Water
2 oz Yeast
1 lb grated Zucchini
1 lb Flour
1/2 cup finely chopped Dill (not in recipe below)


  1. Aw Ellen you're too good to me, thanks once again for the nomination! :D

  2. Wow! Very cool recipe. I'm going to try to make these with a gluten free flour and see how they turn out. Yum.

  3. I’m seriously drooling over here!

  4. I'm always buying zucchinis, but never know what to do with them! These look SO good!

  5. Dear Ellen, Zucchini fritters are delicious and I think that they make a wonderful presentation. They are comforting.
    Congratulations on the blog award. Blessings, Catherine

  6. these zucchini fritters look a gazillion times better than the stuff i tried to make once...hehe. mine were a disaster :S

    loved the random facts... it's nice to get to know you a little better. i am a coffee lover too :)

  7. They actually look great to me and I will be back tomorrow for the dip recipe!

  8. I think they look and sound wonderful!!

  9. man, those zucchini fritters look freakin' amazing. although they are bland, anything fried or baked with zucchini is awesome.

  10. Thank you so much Ellen!!! It's an honor, and I appreciate you always thinking of me. Your a great friend. <3

  11. Yum... I love zucchini fritters:) Now I want some.

  12. Another award for you, Ellen! Congratulation!

    Thanks for passing on the award to me. I really appreciate it.

    Your zucchini fritters look very delicious and seeing these remind me that we have to start planting our zucchini seeds soon :D

  13. awesome recipe :) I guess I really need to make some zucchini fritters now!

  14. Thanks for the award! You are super sweet. I always want another zucchini recipe during this time of year. I have a million in the garden to use.

  15. I've been experimenting with with zucchinis, too. What you can do with them is endless!


  16. congrats on the award! you deserve it :) and yum i love the idea of adding dill to these!

  17. Congrats on the award! I nominated you for another one!!!! Check it out here!

    Keyona @ Skinny and Delicious

  18. Oh my goodness, you have made my day!! I'm so honored that you thought of me, thank you so much. You, of course, deserve all of the awards! Your blog is fabulous and your recipes always make me hungry! Thank you (again) and thank you for being a wonderful friend in blogging land!! ~Skye

  19. Congrats on the award, it's well deserved Ellen! These fritters looks brilliant too

  20. Grated or not, these fritters look superb my friend :D
    Congrats on the awards!

    Choc Chip Uru

  21. All I have so far on my zucchini plants are flowers, so can't wait for actual zucchini. By the way Williams Inn is now The Yellow House restaurant. It is the first restaurant my daughter and I went to when we came to K-town.
